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Photos "The Fence"

The night of the school shooting we went to Mr. Bruce's church .. a beautiful little Catholic church that my son has been attending with the Bruces and the Greens.  It was such a nice service and such a beautiful peaceful place, I knew then why my son enjoyed being apart of it.  Before we went we stopped by the school which was so dark and eerie and just a few police cars and placed 3 white roses on the CCHS sign and it was the beginning of something incredible.  The next day the roses had been moved to "the fence" and along with them were prayers and signs and flowers and so much love and support.  Even when the rain smeared and tore them, they got put right back up. We went up there every night to clean up after all the media that made us breaking front page news for a few days and got to see the students come and go and share their tears and happy stories.  My son didnt go see "the fence" so I made sure I took pictures so if he ever wanted to see he would be able to when he was ready.  There may be some people that were taught by Mr. Bruce or had some connection to CCHS that werent here during that time and might would like to enjoy them so I am sharing some of them with you now.  It was a definate sign that this community was ONE HEARTBEAT during that time.